Imprint bee
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Nobody is infallible, should have forgotten I to
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not have caught up a permission for the use from the author, then I
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in the source data geannten authors express permission!
Listing over illustrations (fig.1, fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 4, fig.5, fig.6, fig.7, fig.8, fig.9, fig. 10) on these Website, which are present with friendly permission of the national institute for bee customer, University of high home:
Fig.1 - thistle
Fig. 2 - bee dance
Fig. 3 - swarm grape/cluster
Fig. 4 - Varroa on larva
Fig.5 - honeycomb with honey
Fig.6 - honey places
Fig.7 - restraining yard test
Fig.8 - conductivity measurement of honey
Fig.9 - gas chromatograph
Fig. 10 - set off honey
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With judgement of 12.5.1998 - AZ 312 0 85/98
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