
Propolis/cement resin

Propolis against inflammations and skin diseases

- helps - not always - with shed lichen. Which is able Propolis against skin diseases, already one communicated. There is already its own, propolishaltiges face water (Salvaskin, Melbroskin) against acne, impure skin and tallow problems (Seborrhoee). A serious problem is the shed lichen Psoriasis. Some Psoriatiker does not address others on the treatment with Propolissalbe very well. Catch Chu, above already quoted, gave 160 Psoriatikern to Propolis internally, thus for taking,: three times daily 0.3 gram through three months. It reports: "37 patients were healed completely, the condition of 17 did not improve, with 58 was change to be noticed, and in 48 cases a degradation occurred. In following tests it resulted that Propolis did not have degradation effect." This must be added, because otherwise the impression could develop that perhaps in some cases of Psoriatis Propolis could have a negative effect. That is not the case. Without Propolis probably still more degradations would have arisen. Skin physicians know that Psoriatiker should behave diaet (no alcohol, no nicotine, little protein and if, then only most significant). The shed lichen often accompanies with arthritischen, rheumatism tables and liver complaints. Is there the positive effect of Propolis, pollen and Gelée Royale on the blood, the liver and for its completely important RES (Retikulo Endotheliales system) proven, is recommended also taking drops, three times to daily five drops in a half glass water, best before the meals. By the way hepatitis (also serum hepatitis A and B), thus liver inflammations, jaundice (Ikerus) and other liver complaints may treat you confidently with Propolis. That will make frequently an intervention of the physician not unnecessary, but will flanking help.
- resin heals Haemorrhoiden. A problem area for many, which practice sitting occupations out, are liver and Pfortader. About Haemorrhoiden nobody talks gladly, and to have she wants already nobody. Also here Propolis is correct. In the alps, in Russia, to prepare in France and in the forests of the north the tradition kept, Haemorrhoidensalben from the resin of many trees: Spruce, fir, larch, birke. Such resin albums are reliable aids, if the pain is intolerable.
- Propolissalbe, works exactly the same, if not better. One should it, even if necessary, to introduce. Additionally one considers that the intestine loves damp environment; frequent washing, absolutely after the chair course, is useful nearly just as well. Blowing meals and alcohol are to be avoided. In the surgery of periprotektischer abscesses, Haemorrhoiden and Analfisteln one made very good experiences also in castor-oil of solved Propolis. 87 per cent freshoperated reports that already ten minutes disappeared after the treatment with this Rizinus Propolis oil the pain or diminished significantly. At the hospital of these surgeons (which did not become, communicated) this form of the Wundnachbehandlung for twenty years one practices.