Propolis/cement resin
Propolis against inflammations - Prostata
- Propolis per Prostata ("Propolis
for the Prostata") is called this section. (in the proximity of
the prostate are the testicles, the blister and the kidneys, also on
these organs show Propolis a good effect.) The Soviet scientist
Vth F. Orkin ("the antibacterial, entzuendungshemmenden and
regenerativ characteristics of the Propolis are the Soviet medicine
for a long time admit") has ten patients with at least three years
continuing chronic Prostatitis (symptoms: Enlargement of the gland, pain in the
blister and increased leukocyte secretion) with Propoliszaepfchen
treat. A zaepfchen contained 0.1 gram of Propolis and 2 gram of
cocoa butter, and each patient had to take a zaepfchen during thirty
days in the evening. The cure was repeated in until twice, with
in to two-month tracing. Six patients were healed, improved
four. In the case of acute, then other scientists determined,
give one several times daily ten drops Propoliselixier in a half glass
water (or ten chewing drops). After three days the dose can be
reduced to a third, the treatment should however at least ten days
take. One will now be surprised, if one experiences that
Propolis is also a Darmregulans.
again - against chair blockage and intestine inertia a Propolis lactose
preparation (lactose as carriers) was developed. Straight one
for seriously ill person is suitable this mild, but nevertheless
seriously working Darmregulans. Not only in cases of persistent
blockage, but also with failure and those irregular chairs, how they
are typical for antibiotic-damaged intestines and jet patient, this
preparation worked satisfactorily. One should take three times
daily a cap two week long. Afterwards is one annoyance either
loose and can stop, or one continues with reduced dose. They
cannot further-take three caps without concern daily, your health harm
that. And because we already are in this "area": Also the
"wolf", which howls after long foot marches with violent welding
production gladly between the thighs, becomes under influence of
Propolissalbe already on the second day gentle like a Laemmchen.
Some nature-sound want to have observed that Propolis works also
against hair loss. That is not denied, in addition, not to be
stated, me no case is well-known. On the other hand works it
reproduction-beer-end (strengthening) with older fellow citizens,
particularly in form of the Melbrosin Propolis preparation, which
strengthens additionally the heart and shows with heart water craze
one expressed deriving effect.
- sleeplessness, nervousness, removingness, tiredness for it is exactly correct the preparation mentioned!
It regulates every now and then even the blood pressure, what
straight is desired in the age medicine. It minted no kurativen,
but one nevertheless preventive effect on atherosklerotische