Propolis/cement resin
Propolis against inflammations
- Propolis against inflammations in the mouth- of welfare-end effect on hurting Aphten
- (fever vesicles) already one reported, but it helps almost everywhere:
- in the eyes during binding skin or inflammation of edge of eyelid(two drops Propoliselixier into glases [ eye tub ] with lukewarm water, several times daily rinse).
- with barley grain (Propolissalbe several times daily lay on thinly).
- likewise it works in the ear, whereby inflammations of the internal and middle ear respond as may be understood less well, but with abscesses in the outside gehoergang the means worked satisfactorily. HNO physicians, who tried against Propolis original prejudices, are surprised of the wundheilenden effect of the ointment after smaller surgical interferences at the ear.
- in noses -, throat and neck area likewise unfolds Propolis its disinfecting and wundheilende strength.
- angina, all kinds of open places, Gingivitis, toothache, zahnfaeule, mouth smell (foetor ex ore), stinking nose (Ozaena) and many other complaints respond well to Propolis. The annoying civilization (or degeneration -) illness
sometimes - Parodontose the gum decrease, can be healed with Propolis, improved usually however. For this its own Propolisgel was developed. It contains the bee welfare principle in water-soluble basis - chewing raw Propolis or a lubricants of the gums with fat ointment is not everyone thing. The gel is laid on simply with the finger on the gums and under light pressure rubs in.
- for the fight against throat diseases (Tonsillitis, Laryngitis) Gurgeln is recommended: a few drop Propolisloesung into a glass of lukewarm water. Or one takes, which is still simpler, if necessary a Propoliskaubonbon. One lutscht it, lets it in the mouth zergehen and speichelt thereby its almonds and the larynx with the saliva mixed with Propolis, a body-friendly, therefore optimal application, which is recommended also after almond operations; it accelerates the Wundheilung.
But generally applies: For toothache in principle the dentist is responsible!
- being able to prevent that quite well by the Karies with a again developed tooth paste, which contains Propolis is fought. The pain-satisfying and entzuendungshemmenden characteristics of Propolis help often also in cases of sudden toothache, if straight no physician is in the proximity. One abrades the gums approximately around the hurting tooth with Propoliselixier or gel and concentrates themselves little ointment in the necks. In Romania extensive attempts with 20 per cent, alcoholic Propolisloesung (Bepinseln) were made against Parodontose.
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