
Propolis / cement resin

Propolis - characteristics

The bee product Propolis or cement resin mentioned is main the resin at the bud sheds of some tree species, from birke, collected by bees, robinie, pasture, Kastanie, spruce, fir, Kiefer. It necessarily for cementing leaky places in the building and behind the flugloechern (per = forwards, polis = castle). Further it is a protection from decay products. Into the bienenstock penetrated enemies are killed and covered therefore einbalsamiert - they aside to be in such a way created cannot - with Propolis. Also the honeycomb cells and the internal booty walls are provided with cement resin. Since cement resin possesses a strong antimicrobial effect, pathogens have only few chances to increase. Further the bees use the germ-restraining effect for the stored pollen, which do not germinate in honeycomb cells equipped with cement resin. Bees do not have a trouble to collect the sticky Propolis. They shift it with their gland secretions and wax. Propolis contains about 55% resin and polling balsam, 30% wax, of 10% volatile oils, 5% pollen and many trace elements. The antimicrobial effect is based on the content of Flavonoiden and volatile one oils. The imkerliche production takes place via scraping the raehmchen, cracks off etc. in as cold a condition as possible. The healing-promoting characteristics of the cement resin become increasingly on the whole world estimated. In the Wundheilung, which treatment of the upper respiratory system, by which stabilization of the body-own defense forces and because of the lokalanaesthesierenden effect best successes become obtained with this natural product. Since however some humans (approx. 5%) are allergisch against Propolis, you should make a small allergy test with a first contact. Bring to it your lower arm with some drops to solved Propolis in contact. If Hautreatkionen (e.g. itching) arise in the place, then the test would be positive, i.e. you are allergisch against Propolis with high probability.