If you have further questions, write them over the form for contact.
Do bees have enemies?
Yes, even quite many. There birds or other insects would be to call like wasps for example. Further information under bee parasitsHow does one determine the number of bees per people?
At this large number of individuals one can not possibly count all animals, therefore the numbers are estimated values. One counts 1,000 bees on a fully occupied honeycomb - two sides, thus 2.000; 10 honeycombs per trim (crate), times three trims, theoretically 60,000 one resulted in. However all honeycombs are not fully occupied, whereby one comes maximally on 55.000 individuals.
Is the average work input of a bee for 500 g honey how large?
The work bees need 10,000 working hours and fly thereby approx.. 10 million blooms on.
How do many legs have bees?
Bees belong to the Hexapoda, what means as much as "6-Beiner".
How do many bees live in a people?
The number varies between of 10.000 individuals in a weak people up to 50.000 individuals in a strong people. The number of 55.000 becomes i.d.R. at the high point of the development reaches.
How do bees get over the winter?
Managed bee colonies are in-fed in the late summer/autumn by the beekeeper with a sugar solution. This food is to be gotten over necessarily around the winter, as the sugar is finally diminished to warmth. Bees form one in the winter sucked. Winter grape/cluster - all bees are in close physical proximity, whereby wen?diger energy is necessary around all bees with sufficiently warmth (approx. 26 °C at the edge and 34 °C in the core) to supply.
How can one guarantee that one acacia honey gets?
One cannot guarantee in principle that bees of a certain
Nektarquelle collect exclusive. However there are certain
precautions to increase by the probability of the desired honey yield.
All honeycombs will however never be filled with the desired
honey, therefore the beekeeper must pick the desired honeycombs out.
The second point is that the desired "source of honey" is
available in sufficient measure (speak the acacias must in bloom be
full). Bees collect gladly from large sources of fodder.
That means, if acacia trees were direct beside e.g. a RWS field
in bloom, the probability would be larger that excluding raps by the
bees are approached. If however the acacia trees far and broadly
(in numbers: Bees approach A) blooms lain rather near and b) up
to 10 km a radius) the largest source of fodder are, then the probability is high that acacia honey develops with priority.
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