
Tipps for beginners and interested the bee attitude


After you made the first considerations, you can begin now exact plans to schmieden.

Setting up place
They found an ideal setting up place? Fantastisch! Now you can plan, where them best your people, and/or peoples to place. This place must be even ideal way, if this is not yet the case, then meets you for this all necessary measures. Next you need a surface area, a kind support. Note please that you leave to the rear outside enough place for later working.

When do I begin?
With the preparations you begin ideal way in the autumn. With the bee attitude you begin best in the spring (in the middle of March to at the beginning of of April, depending upon weather conditions).

Beekeeper association
I recommend to make a beekeeper association in your proximity for you. There you attach your first contacts and receive helpful support for all your questions or problems. It is to have apparent already occurred that Bienenallergiker came in the proximity of a bee shed to death and the responsible person became a beekeeper legally sued. As a member in a beekeeper association you are insured, if unexpected events arrive.
If you should decide nevertheless against the entrance into a beekeeper association, I recommend to lock you an in any case insurance, so that you are not received legal risks.

Where get do I mean geraetschaften and my peoples ago?
If you should visit a beekeeper association, you are answered gotten there these questions. I would like to avoid a purposeful advertisement here, therefore I will in particular call and ask no offerer for your understanding.
Do they know a beekeeper in your proximity? If, address it on it. If all of this does not apply, give an announcement up in your local newspaper.

Beekeeper knowledge
You should have understood this knowledge for the beginning in its fundamentals. They must finally also know, which work measures them at the people to make to want, to which signs at the people umbedingt should pay attention. Read my literature recommendations in the next section