Honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Forwards approx. 60 million years the first certification of its existence (amber petrifying) originated in. Since it humans gives is fascinated it by this social insect. Already the old Egyptians for itself knew to use their meaning (honey as a component of mummifying).What bound humans since that time at the bees? Is it their biology? Its eagerness for work - or simply only the healthy, koestliche taste of the honey?
Discover and experience everything over bees - from your biology up to koestlichen prescriptions with honey, or prescriptions, in those you learn Met or a Propolistinktur to manufacture even.
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Worth knowing over Propolis
The bee product Propolis is called also cement
resin, because from the bees usually to cement it leaky places in the
booty one uses. Propolis is however far more than only that.
It is an unbelievable material with immunisierender effect not
only for honey bees, but also for humans. Propolis was already
the old Egyptians well-known and to mummifies used. Propolis
applies with most different disease pictures. Propolis is here
usually a component in Propolis ointments or Propolis solution.
The basic stick for this is Propolis powder, which is won from
More about Propolis
Bee diseases
Bee diseases are far common. Here dedicates
itself to the most important bee diseases. The Varroa disease:
The exciter is called: Varroa jacobsoni oudemans.
The brown-colored, crosswise oval, shieldlike flattened adult
mite is in her female form with max. 1.3 mm of length and 1.7 mm
broad of impressive size of (..)more about bee
Worth knowing over honey
Nektar and honey rope are still no honey. Only by a processing over the bee honey develops. This takes place (...) more over honey
Honey Varity
In the encyclopedia you get informed about all kinds of honey. From Acacia Honey Wild honey.
More over honey places
Biology of the bees
The organism of the bees is highly complex. In the column you get biology of the bees detailed and interesting prepared information to this question. More about honey bees
Bees can inform themselves manigfalig with one
another. This goes the far beyond well-known bee dance and
simple communicating of sources of fodder. Bees exchange among
themselves a multiplicity at information.
More about communication in the hive
Beekeeper glossary
The large beekeeper and bee glossary address to all friends of the bees and bee attitude.
More about communication in the bienenstock